Friday, February 18, 2005

Day 66

Well my initial flight got canceled and my boss opted to go to Bagram instead. At first I was like "Ok, thats cool" then he mentioned that we would be staying with the Koreans again................................................................
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (LMAO) Not that guy again! Anything but him! Not the GAY Korean Major! (LMAO). Well the inevitable happened. Guess who picked us up from the airstrip? Yes, the GAY Korean Major. This dude canNOT be more feminine. Whatever dude. Good thing is that we leave in like 3 hrs to go up farther north to a place called K-2. Then we fly back to Kandahar I believe on Sunday or Monday. Ok, thats my story. Im glad you got a kick out of it. It could have been more funnier if I stayed a few more days longer like last time but I tried my best to avoid his GAY ass. Guess what else I found out today? I get to go on "vacation" next week! A 5 day pass to a place called Qatar. Its on the Saudi Arabian Peninsula. They call it the "Middle Eastern Cancun". Wow...I cant wait. Ok TTYL! Oh, and Ill try to send a picture of the convertible I bought recently since a few requested it. See ya!


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